MAMS is a mediation-office.
- can ask MAMS to find an artist or artistsgroup to perform in their hall with the condition that MAMS will arrange the performance.
- can ask MAMS to arrange a performance.
- will be asked by MAMS to let artists perform.
- can ask MAMS to find the possibilities to perform with the condition that MAMS will arrange the performance.
- can ask MAMS to arrange a performance.
MAMS has several licenses, like employment exchanges and to work with buy off-prices.
MAMS is also officially registered by Registration Chamber in 's Gravenhage in the Netherlands.
For employers MAMS is only working with official contracts.
For artists MAMS is only working when there's a Working Together Agreement.
But some 'passingby' performings are possible.
MAMS is asking 10%, excluding VAT, of the total budget there's available for a band.
MAMS likes to collect this 10% by the employer. Other extreme possibility is 5% for the employer and 5% for the artist.
You can ask MAMS to arrange the wage expenditure of the artists or to work with a 'buy off'-contract or on the base of expense allowance.
MAMS will present the bill for the 10% and the VAT for this 10%. For a 'buy off'-contract MAMS present you the bill with VAT for the total price. You have to pay this bill within 14 days unless agreed otherwise.
To arrange the wage expenditure of artists without a performing-contract of MAMS, MAMS is asking fl 65,00 (E 29.50) and VAT and the wages and the premiums.
For other mediations unexpected, connected to performing contracts of MAMS-bands, MAMS is asking fl 25,00 (E 11.50) and VAT and administration-costs.